Creativity: A State of Being, Not Just Doing

Creativity is more than a simple act—it's a state of being. Explore the depth of your artistic self and realize that creativity permeates through all facets of life, not just in the artwork we produce. In this post, we delve into the idea of creativity as a fundamental part of who you are, not merely what you do.

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Dancing with the Rhythms of Creativity: A Seasonal Approach to Artistic Flow

Just as nature is governed by seasons, so too can our creativity be guided by the rhythm of sowing, growing, reaping, and resting. This cyclical process can help maintain a sustainable creative practice and enrich the depth of our work. Let's unpack this concept.

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The Power of Experimentation: Why It's Crucial for Your Artistic Journey

As artists, we often find comfort in the familiar - our tried-and-true techniques, favorite mediums, and signature styles. We become known for that one thing. Yet, when we dare to step out of this comfort zone and explore the unknown, our creative journey truly takes flight. Although it may seem daunting, experimentation in art is an essential component of artistic growth and development.

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Expressive Self Portraiture Begins May 8, 2023

Unlock your inner magic with Expressive Self Portraiture! Join me, Sharon Covert, on a transformative 4-week journey of self-discovery and artistic growth. 🎨📸 Dive deep into your emotions and experiences, turning them into captivating self-portraits that tell your unique story. With personal guidance, gentle feedback, and a nurturing environment, you'll uncover your artistic voice and fall more in love with yourself as an artist. 💖 Don't miss out – enroll today and let your creativity soar!

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The Fool's Journey

Let’s talk Tarot!

How can the Fool card relate to your creativity? I like to think of the Fool as having a beginner’s mind.

As artists, how can we embody the Fool’s energy? Look at it as an invitation to approach creating with a beginner’s mind.

The Fool doesn’t have life experiences under their belt. Because of that lack of experience, their mind is more open and free. What is there to hold them back?

Embodying the Fool might look like creating for yourself and not fearing what others may think. It’s taking chances and trying new things. It’s like seeing things for the first time and not having outside influences.

Approaching your work with the Fool’s energy might help you feel more creative freedom, and with that comes growth. Experiment! Have fun! Create for YOU!

Sony a7riii | LBSFII | 1/200 | ISO 320

Sony a7riii | LBSFII | 1/200 | ISO 320

Self-portraits taken with my Lensbaby Soft Focus II optic. As a Lensbaby Ambassador, I can offer you a discount on your purchases. Use the code wsharon or click this link to be directed to their website. Comment or email any questions, and I’d be happy to chat!