Expressive Self Portraiture Coming Soon

I’ve always felt different and like an outsider looking in. Creating my art has given me community and support. Some of you have watched my journey unfold for years in this space. You’ve seen me fail and witnessed me succeed. You’ve watched my story unfold and my vision develop and change over time. I’ve gone from being silent to having a voice.
Creating art has given me my voice and provided me with healing. Now, I’d love nothing more than to help guide and support you on your own personal journey with this medium.
Self Portraiture demands so much from us. It forces us to see things we’d rather not at times. With the right tools in hand, we can reap the many positive benefits of this type of inner work.
I’m opening up my class, Expressive Self Portraiture, soon. I’m not going to lie, I’m scared! This is my first time teaching it on my own and not through a school. I’m so ready though.
Stay tuned for details and if you have any questions at all, email me. I’m an open book 📖



Sometimes all we need is permission. Permission to change our minds. To create what we want. To change our careers. To call ourselves artists. To write the book. To tell the truth. To share our truth. Permission to heal. To let go of our guilt. To forgive ourselves. To do the thing that scares us most.
This is me giving you permission.
I’m going to be opening up registration for my class, Expressive Self Portraiture, soon. I’ve made some updates to it and it will have a new price as well. If you’re looking for a place where you can fully be YOU and find new ways and tools to express yourself, look no further. I will be there to guide and support you every step of the way for 4 weeks. After that, we will continue our journey together and support each other in a private forum. I’m so excited!
Justice {Self-Portrait}
